With the increasing number of online bookmakers, the competition is huge. Therefore, bookmakers must constantly develop and upgrade their betting systems. To maintain its top position in the betting industry, lodi777 has continually improved and developed comprehensively. In which, we focus on the quality of lodi777 deposit services. The online deposit system has been upgraded to the best level. Bettors in the Philippines will easily find a suitable recharge method. We will meet all the top-up transaction needs of our players. Let’s learn more about the top-up methods through the article below.

Lodi777 Deposit Methods That Newbies Should Try

We offer members many different deposit options. These methods are all built and designed to be extremely simple for players to perform. Additionally, each Lodi777 deposit method comes with a safety guarantee. We satisfy and meet all the deposit needs of members at any time. We will introduce new players to deposit methods you should try at least once.

Lodi777 Deposit

Use GCash to fund your betting account

Players can use e-wallets to make transactions at lodi777. Which, the top priority choice is still the GCash wallet. Using GCash to deposit money into betting accounts is trusted by many bettors. Specifically, what are the steps to deposit money using this method? Let’s find out the details below!

Step 1: Open the lodi777 app and access the deposit interface. Select the GCash method – it is easy and fast.

Step 1: Select the GCash method.

Step 2: The system will suggest multiple GCash payment channel options. Choose any payment channel we suggest.

Step 2: Choose any payment channel we suggest.

Step 3: Enter the payment amount within the allowed deposit limit and press pay.

Step 3: Enter the payment amount.

Step 4: GCash page appears, enter your phone number to log in to GCash.

Step 4: enter your phone number to log in to GCash.

Step 5: Use our QR code to pay by scanning the code on your GCash wallet.

Step 5: pay by scanning the code on your GCash wallet.

Use USDT to fund your betting account

Payment via USDT is the most modern and secure payment method. With USDT, your transactions become much simpler and faster. We will guide the process of depositing into your account using USDT.

Step 1: On the deposit page, select the USDT method.

Step 1: select the USDT method.

Step 2: There will be 2 USDT payment channels for you. These channels will make payments based on USDT-TRC20 and USDT-ERC20. Choose one of the 2 USDT payment channels.

Step 2: Choose one of the 2 USDT payment channels.

Step 3: Select the deposit amount, the system will automatically convert it to pesos. Then click the pay button.

Step 3: Select the deposit amount.

Step 4: Open your crypto wallet and make a USDT payment by scanning the QR code.

Step 4: make a USDT payment by scanning the QR code.

Use UBPB to fund your betting account

Using bank cards to deposit money into betting accounts is very popular. Transactions through banks ensure security and safety for players. Among the banks, Union Bank is the most used. To deposit money through Union Bank, new players follow these steps:

Step 1: Go to deposit and select payment method as UBPB.

Step 1: select payment method as UBPB.

Step 2: Fill in the amount you want to pay and click the pay button.

Step 2: Fill in the amount you want to pay.

Step 3: The Union Bank login page appears. Fill in your bank account user ID and password. Then make the payment.

Step 3: Fill in your bank account user ID and password.

Notes When Depositing

Each deposit method will have different implementation methods. To make your deposit transaction successful and quick, please note the following related issues:

  • All member deposit requests will be processed 24/7 regardless of the time.
  • Deposit methods will have minimum and maximum limits. Please note that deposits are within the deposit limit.
  • We do not accept deposit requests from any third-party accounts.
  • The deposit amount must be 100% accurate, the selected deposit amount cannot be modified. The system will not be able to automatically update the money if you change the deposit amount.
  • Each deposit order has a certain validity period so you need to deposit within the validity period.
  • If new players encounter problems or issues related to deposits, please contact our support department.

With serious operations and thorough investment in the online payment system, lodi777 PH is a safe choice. We have brought players good services when participating in betting. The lodi777 deposit service always ensures the criteria of diverse options & fast deposit. Members also receive many great incentives when depositing money into their betting accounts. Let’s deposit money and receive the incentives we have for you!